Community, Harriet Tubman Square, Park News|

On any given day, locals traversing through Washington Park may not find a reason to stick around too long and enjoy its intimacy given its lack of amenities like benches or a toddler area that would otherwise engage most bystanders.

However, that all changed this summer when local officials teamed up with Newark City Parks Foundation to launch a “Summer Garden at Washington Park” series, bringing weeks of fun and entertainment to the community space.

Nestled between the Newark Museum of Art and Newark Public Library, Washington Park this summer was transformed from a quiet park locals would typically pass through into a lively gathering space.

Hosted daily on Tuesdays through Sundays, the park’s summer event has brought together residents with events featuring food trucks, performing arts, games and children’s programming. Coming off a year when the city experienced a shutdown due to COVID-19, officials were determined to get locals outdoors again to enjoy all the pleasures Newark has to offer.

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